A space for professional and human growth
Promoting values, cooperation and respect
Teamwork is one of the values that define SPBE and, for this reason, the company fosters a culture of cooperation among its employees so that they communicate openly and respectfully, in such a way that this exchange results in good decisions for everyone’s benefit. During the construction of the plant, SPBE created more than 650 direct jobs and some 500 indirect jobs. In its operational phase, the company has given opportunities to almost 80 permanent employees and, according to estimates by the Human Resources area, has created 200 indirect jobs.
As a company that belongs to the CAEI Consortium, SPBE strives to improve its collaborators’ and their families’ quality of life through various social initiatives. SPBE maintains a firm commitment to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). That is why it contributes to the agenda developed by UNESCO for sustainable development “of the people, by the people and for the people”. This means that, in addition to developing operations that preserve the environment and ecosystems, SPBE supports the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor, as well as the abolition of all forms of discrimination in employment.
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A plant in harmony with the community
All SPBE’s social projects are channeled through CAEI’s centralized management, for the companies share the same operating environment. These social investment programs are aimed primarily at the employees’ families living in the communities surrounding the plant. The programs cover important areas such as health, education, sports, documentation (for foreigners), community relations and culture, among others. SPBE also has a mechanism to hear the opinions, complaints and suggestions of its neighbors and other interested parties. This is a ‘HelpDesk’ for the management of community grievances, complaints and conflicts. It operates with 12 licenses assigned to technicians to provide solutions and documentation of reported situations.