Generating energy for a greener planet
per year
Our processes reduce the emission of CO 2
SPBE was born from a vision of sustainability and with a special emphasis on the responsible use and management of natural resources. The company recently completed its registration process with the Climate Change Office and can now issue carbon credits, the international mechanism established by the United Nations to reduce polluting emissions into the environment. SPBE’s sustainable processes currently prevent the emission of more than 90,000 tons of CO2 per year. They also take advantage of generation residues for agro-industrial operations and save water compared to conventional power plant processes.
Direct contributions of SPBE to the environment
SPBE’s energy production is associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Decrease of carbon dioxide (CO2)
The cogeneration of energy from biomass has the added value that sugarcane and timber plantations (eucalyptus, acacia and leucaena) carry out CO2 absorption processes. Sugarcane has an absorption coefficient of 54 kgCO2/hectare-day and eucalyptus has an absorption coefficient of 35.61 kgCO2/hectare-day.

Ash reuse
100% of the ash obtained in the SPBE processes is used as compost on nutrient-poor fields so that they can be used for planting energy crops. Similarly, these residues are being incorporated by cement companies to replace other materials.

Water saving
Thanks to the treatment and recirculation of water in the cooling tower, the total reduction of effluents generated at SPBE is 42%. The quality of this water meets the parameters established by national and international standards.

Decrease in chemicals
Due to the water savings, the cogeneration plant also has a lower consumption of chemicals used for the treatment system. It is important to note that all products used by SPBE have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
One-of-a-kind project
In 2012, the National Council for Climate Change and the Clean Development Mechanism, created by the Presidency of the Dominican Republic to formulate public policies and strategies necessary for the prevention and mitigation of greenhouse gases, granted SPBE the “One of a kind” certificate, as there is currently no other generation plant operating in the country that involves high efficiency cogeneration from renewable sources.

Clean Development Mechanism
In June 2020, SPBE was registered under the Clean Development Mechanism standard, established by the Kyoto Protocol. With this certificate, the company can periodically issue emission reduction certificates known as carbon credits. This mechanism was established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).